Chuck Williams

UI/UX Tech Lead, Dash

Chuck WilliamsFor 20 years Chuck Williams has advocated for human empathy as a skill to enhance developer effectiveness. After much spiritual exploration, he began to deeply appreciate and align himself with the principles of non-agression and freedom. Naturally, contributing to an organization like Dash was a perfect progression for both his career and personal life, where he now shepherds the front-end efforts of Evolution development. As a Dash Core Team member, he investigates experience goals, evaluates user experiences, and designs, and codes systems of interaction to solve human problems & ease human pains with technology. It is his belief that Dash will serve as a stepping stone to a free global society.

Presentation Information
Livin’ la Vida Crypto

As a full-time Dash Core Team member, I get paid in Dash, and have had to resolve a lot of painful economic shifts while integrating a 100% crypto-salary into my formerly corporate-developer conditioned lifestyle. Also I have spent a lot of time analyzing the pains of the “on and off ramps” of crypto. I’ll share with you the perspectives of living on a crypto-salaray, in a crypto-world, before crypto gets mainstream. I’ll also muse with how on decades of software development and “growing up with the internet” parallels with the world of crypto, and cultural and economic developments that I believe we can expect in the coming years and decades.